General settings

Start server on system startup

    In most cases it's best to turn on this option. This assures that if the server is restarted after a power failure or other unexpected event, file services will be available.

New folder is owned by user who creates it

    In most cases it's best to turn on this option. If you turn off this option, users can still create folders, but they have no access privileges to those folders. For more information about owners and access privileges, see About sharing, share points, and access privileges.

Register with Network Services Location

    In most cases it's best to turn on this option. This option, which allows users to browse all servers available to them, is available to client computers that have Mac OS 9 or later installed.

    If you turn on this option, you must also enable and configure Service Location Protocol (SLP) on your network router.


    Maximum server memory:
    If you plan to use your computer to run applications other than server programs, you need to set this value lower than the total available memory. To determine how much memory you can assign to the server, subtract the amount of memory required to run the other applications from the total available memory.

    Total available memory:
    The total available memory includes the memory needed for the Mac OS and includes physical RAM and virtual memory.

    Reset Cache:
    Click this if you need to have more memory temporarily, such as to launch an application.

Serial Number

    This is the number you entered when you ran AppleShare IP Easy Setup. You need to change this number only if you upgrade to additional licenses.

Maximum clients allowed

    The maximum number of allowed clients is determined by the license you purchased. (Your serial number encodes the maximum allowed clients.) See your Apple reseller if you need to provide service to more clients than are listed.

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